Sunday, November 30, 2008
Putting Some Sense On This Post
1. Being a member of a prominent clan doesn't equate to you being rich. It hit me VERY HARD. Of our core family, I am the spendthrift. I spend all of my allowance on high-end snacks when I can eat on the local canteen. I thought we were rich enough. My parents keep telling me to save. Well, I keep lying to them that I do save. But no. I can't resist myself when I have the money. So I can't save. But, well, I'm trying to save now. I wanted my money for the next enrollment to come "from me". My parents expect a lot from me. My parents keep telling me to work and pay for my brother's tuition. Even I agree on that, not because I am forced, but because I wanted to.
And related to that issue, I realized that I have acquaintances who are, in my opinion, way richer than me. Well, it not that I don't want to make friends with them because I think they belittle me. I just think that they really have the capability to spend because of their status, when I am just, you know, "trying hard".
2. I tried to stop this awkward feeling from developing. I never knew I'll be this successful this time. Well, maybe because I did consider many realizations in my life. This time, I just have to apply them. If you want to know who that person is, I'll not be giving clues. Although I told X that this person is cute. X, you know who you are, and I trust you that you won't be telling this (well, but if Y insisted that you tell that to him, wala akong magagawa. T.T basta i-inyo na lang iyon, please? i have no intentions of telling that person. baka mapahiya lang ako sa kanya. >o<).
3. You may have noticed that, recently, I'm writing things I'd gladly call "crap", since I do it craply. At first, I am writing because I want the gods and goddesses of literature (yes, Y, ikaw yun. ikaw rin yun, Omega/Aki, basta marami kayo.) to lambaste my "works of art" (very masochistic. >o<). But now, even though I have no "followers/viewers", I'm now writing for my own personal satisfaction. I told some of you that I keep writing and writing but I never, ever, finished a single story, except for one (I was a Highschool Freshman back then). So, again, I am now writing for my self-accompolishment. If one appreciated my works, then good, I'd like to give you my thanks.
Thanks for spending/wasting a few minutes reading this. I hope, this time, this isn't as annoying as before. I hope I gave you my two-cents well. Ü
Heroes: Abstract (E03)
Next: Limits
Episode 3: Integrability
"All things are hard to build but easy to destroy. Fixing even takes more time. But sometimes, starting over is not the best solution. Sometimes, we have to resolve to mending. Piece by, piece, we have to reassemble."
Vic told Mark that it's already safe, but he's aware of the person outside. As they go out, he pretended he didn't notice her presence when she suddenly halted them.
"Hey you!"
Vic and Mark both turned around. They saw a girl with long, blond hair, smiling at them.
"So, are you Vincent Lee?"
"... and Marcus Anderson?"
"Uh-huh. Why?"
"My name is Elle. Elle Woods. Nice to meet you."
Shaking of hands. Mark is smiling but Vic senses trouble. The woman emanates a fake smile.
"So what's the deal?" purred Mark.
"I'd like to congratulate you since you were accepted in our scholarship program."
"Scholarship?" doubted Vic.
"Yes. Your school sent a list of students for the program. You are two of the lucky ten students who were granted the scholarship."
"Under what institution?"
"Yamagato Industries. Your papers are ready."
"Why not do this talk at the administrative office?"
Silence. Cold stares were thrown at each other. Suddenly, a tall man appeared behind the woman. He keeps on staring at them. Vic suddenly held Mark's hand.
"Why aren't they sleeping yet?"
"I don't know why my abilities won't work!"
They suddenly pulled up their guns. Vic ran away, dragging Mark like earlier. The woman shot Mark at his leg with perfect accuracy. They both tripped. Mark wailed in pain. Vic carried Mark in his arms. The woman aimed her gun at Vic. She shot him but the bullet failed to land on him. Taking advantage, Vic ran in haste. The woman then got her taser and tried to shot Vic but she missed again. The man tried to riddle him with bullets but not even a single shot landed on him. The woman suddenly stopped him, claimed him that they wanted both of them alive. As the couple ran, the man handed the woman a two-tabbed folder. One is labeled "PHEROMONE EMISSION" while the other is "???"
Vic passed though everyone at school and rushed Mark to the nearest private hospital.
Minutes passed. The doctors said that Mark is now okay and can be released tomorrow morning. Vic entered the room where Mark is. He sat beside him when Mark touched his hand.
"I wanted to tell you something."
"What is it?"
"You know that I'm okay now, right?"
"Yes. I don't know what they want from us. Our lives are now in danger. Mark, we have to-"
Mark pulled Vic and kissed him on the lips. Vic suddenly pulled away, staring at him with his now large eyes.
"I wanted to tell you that I love you. I want you to know this because I'm afraid that the next time, I might get killed."
Vic looked away from Mark, staring from afar.
"Don't you love me?"
"Of course I do, you know that."
"But only as a friend."
"I don't know what to answer."
"You don't want to love me because you think it's forbidden?"
"NO! It's just-"
Vic stopped and looked at the door. Mark showed a worried face. Vic can hear the footsteps. Suddenly, his vision passed through the walls, and he can the see the two people walking in the corridor, asking the nurses that they passed by. He was so scared when the two forcefully made their way while a nurse was stopping them. He was really scared when those two reached the door. He saw the door opened. But what he saw on the door is a dark, dirty shack with a rotten chair and table. The door closed again, then the same nurse entered the room and was shocked by what she saw.
"Did two impatient-looking people entered here?"
"Uh... I was about to ask the same thing."
"Come again, sir?"
"Oh, never mind."
At the opposite side of the world. those two went out of a shack. They realized that they were in the middle of a farm. The woman screamed, frantically throwing tantrums.
The nurse got out of the room, leaving Vic and Mark in their privacy.
"I want you beside me until I die."
Mark hugged Vic and they shared a warm, passionate kiss. After a minute, Vic pulled away.
"You need to rest. I think you're just scared. You better sleep, I'll just be there on the desk."
Mark looked at Vic, teary-eyed; while Vic looked at the window, thinking of all the things that are happening to them.
The next day, after Mark was released, Vic and he talked in a coffee shop. Everyone is still looking at Mark.
"I wanted to tell you something."
"About yesterday? Forget it. I accept that you don't feel the same way."
"No, not about it."
Vic flashed two airplane tickets.
"We are going to Japan. I guess we can find answers there."
"So you love me!?"
"... It's about those two guys pursuing us yesterday. I thought that this might be some scam or something, but Yamagato Industries are unheard of here in the Philippines."
"So?" Mark grumpily answered.
"My parents work there. I asked them to excuse us from school. Everything has been negotiated."
"But how? Now that everyone there is head over heels obsessed with me."
"I don't know their strings but what's more important is that we can go to Japan now."
"How about my parents?"
"That has been taken care of as well."
Vic almost held Mark's hand. When Mark saw this, Vic pulled his hand back and just smiled.
Narita International Airport. Tokyo, Japan.
Vic and Mark were welcomed by a group of men in tuxedo. They fetched them to a condominium unit. Inside the unit, they were met by Vic's parents.
"Ohayo gozaimasu, Vic-kun."
"Ohayo gozaimas, Otosan. Genki desu ka?"
"Genki desu. Come, sit, both of you. I never knew it will come to this."
"Huh? What do you know?"
"What were those two wearing?"
"Huh? Uh... Black, like them."
"Any distinguishing objects?"
"Well, I observed a double-helix pin."
"Pinehearst," whispered Mr. Lee.
"What did you say?"
"Nothing. I guess Nakamura Kimiko-san can explain things to you."
"Why her? She's... scary."
"You'll know why. A car will fetch you later. We'll call you when they get here."
"Domo arigato."
"And you," Mr. Lee asked Mark, "What's your name?"
"Marcus Anderson. Please call me Marcus. Or Mark, if you please."
"Okay, Mark. Enjoy your stay here."
"Thank you, sir. "
When they were alone, Vic noticed an unusual coldness from Mark. He tried to tap his shoulder but Mark suddenly moved. There was a spirit of loneliness flowing into Vic.
"We can get answers tomorrow."
"Sure. Where shall I sleep now? Here on the sofa?"
"You can sleep beside me as always."
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing. Just wake me up when they're here."
Mark lied on the bed. Vic just looked at him first, then he gave himself a bottle of beer from the refrigerator, crying. Shortly, the phone rang. Mark knew he had to get out of the bed.
4. Now that it was revealed that they had abilities, can you guess who has what ability?
5. It wasn't my original intention to have this "homosexual pairing". So if I haven't forewarned you earlier [in case you have different views in life], forgive me. ToT
6. Surprisingly, this mini-series can take up to 7 episodes! Yikes!
7. I'm not really a writer. So grammatical errors abound. 8D
Previous: Differentiability
Next: Limits
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Heroes: Abstract (E02)
Next: Integrability
Episode 2: Differentiability
Mark sat on the sofa of Vic's house. He looks very tired from the scenario earlier.
"Since when did you have a lot of fan-girls?"
"I don't know."
"Are you doing some school activity? Or something that can make you famous?"
"Why do even straight guys like you?"
"Why won't you like me, for a change?"
"What? Wait... Don't change the topic!"
"I don't know why almost every people eye me! Take a liking on me!"
"Because... you're naturally cute?"
"You think so?"
"Well, to begin with, I envy you because you got the looks."
"But you like me?"
"No! Are you sick?"
"Even as a friend?"
"Of course I like you AS A FRIEND! Why would you not like a friend?"
Silence. Vic suddenly decided to make juice and prepare snacks for them while Mark is taking out his notebooks.
When Vic looked at the freezer, he noticed that the water in the ice tray are not ice cubes yet. So he closed the freezer door and searched for cold water. The said door opened. Vic was about to close the door when he noticed, to his shock, ice cubes were now formed.
He now had their snacks and he placed them on the sala table for them to begin their review session together.
"Hey, can you explain this to me?" asked Mark. Vic quickly got his notes and scanned through it. It was a problem about functions. Vic knows he can answer this but he almost lacked the knowledge to explain. So he told Mark what he knew at the best that he could when suddenly, Vic saw darkness and green numbers, grids, and graphs. He can view the graph of the concerned function and got the answer, when Mark put him out his trance. Mark asked him if he was okay, and Vic just said yes and told him that might just be having headaches.
"I think I should sleep over. You're tired now, we can continue later."
"You can always come here tomorrow."
"But tomorrow is Saturday. It's okay to stay up late. Besides, you're parents are not always here, and they know me. I can take care of you."
"Thanks for the concern. But I'm okay, really."
So they decided to pause their review session for the meantime and they chatted as they always did.
Black. Everything was all black. Then strings of green numbers appear, their values changes every second. Then a grid appears, and graphs were drawn. On the side, there was a matrix that keeps changing its entries every second or so. Everything is black and green.
Vic suddenly opened his eyes. It was Saturday morning. He thought of his very weird dream. He freed himself from the sleeping Mark's hug, then he woke him up. They decided to take a bath first, then eat breakfast, then resume with their review session.
Mark was sitting on the dining table. Vic is getting some silverware when he bumped into the knife set which, in turn, fell to his feet. He screamed loudly. Mark rushed to the kitchen to see what happened. He saw a petrified Vic and the fallen knife set. He, too, was shocked to see that all the knife pierced the floor and none went through Vic's feet.
They were now eating at the dining room.
"I can't believe I was lucky enough to survive that."
"Yeah. But still, are you okay?"
"Yes. No bleeding."
"I really can't believe it. Yesterday, the whole school is in love with me. Today, Lady Luck is with you."
"I think mine's nothing but a coincidence. But yours is troublesome."
"I think we need an escape plan just in case it gets worse..."
"Like what? Cloak me? Put me in your baggage?"
"No. Just click and drag."
"Click and drag?"
Monday. School day. Vic and Mark entered the school like they normally do. To their relief, the "worse" is still not happening. They went to the locker room only to realize that Mark's letters doubled than last time. Vic decided to read a few. Love letters, invitations to dates, and even indecent proposals, from girls and boys, even to the teachers and the guard that always welcomes them.
From that day, everything became different. Depending on the teacher, they either exempt Mark from the oral recitation or call him to recite all the time. Every time they walk, all eyes are glued to Mark. Every break time, Mark receives chocolates. There even came a time that some of Vic's friends approached him to ask details about Mark.
Then, the worse did came. Just as they enter the school the school gates, Vic heard the large crowd from far away. He held Mark's hand and everything he saw turned into black boxes and green mesh lines. It sort of directed him where to go. They ran across the crowd and many buildings. Until they came upon the storage room of an old and unused building. They hid there for as long as Vic heard the crowd. When it passed the old building, Mark suddenly kissed Vic.
"Why the heck did you do that?"
"Uh... Friendly gesture?"
"So, thank you. But please try a different gesture next time."
"Hihi... Why won't we go here often? And how did you know this place?"
"Actually, I don't even know this place existed..."
Mark hugged Vic, but Vic is troubled. He can sense that someone not related to the school is watching them...
Previous: Continuity
Next: Integrability
Heroes: Abstract (E01)
1. Just a fan fiction. I don't own Heroes nor Tim Kring. This is not for commercial purposes.
2. Timeline of story is during The Eclipse, Part I.
3. Names are not really thought of. I just use names that I think are common.
Next: Differentiability
"Is it true that Science answers even the most mysterious of the phenomena? If so, if Biology and Physics can't handle the job, can Mathematics resolve it?"
Vic is getting his telescope. From the second floor of his house, he used his window to get to the rooftop to fix the telescope. He can't wait to see the upcoming solar eclipse.
It's getting dark. The eclipse is very observable. He viewed it through his telescope as the skies grew more dark. He can see it's magnificence. Suddenly, his mobile phone vibrated. The phone read:
"Calling... Mark"
He quickly answered it while still viewing the eclipse.
"The eclipse is beautiful. isn't it?"
"Yeah. Can you see it."
"Well, yes. But I can see someone more beautiful than the eclipse?"
"What? Who is she?"
"She? Hahaha! Look below."
Vic saw the street from the rooftop. From there, he saw Mark waving at him. He noticed that Mark's smile grew to his ears even though he's far and he looks small.
"Why won't you come here?" Vic shouted.
"I have more house works to do, I'm sorry. I just came here to see you. Bye!"
Then Mark ran. Vic is somewhat surprised.
The next day, as usual, Mark knocked Vic out of his house. When Vic came out, Mark greeted him a big,
"Ei, Mark, we're late now!"
"No, we aren't. We just have to run."
And they started running.
"But we're officially late now. Why do you have to wait for me?"
"Because you are my best friend?"
"But you don't have to be tardy just because of that!"
"Haha! It's okay. Don't worry about me, okay?"
Mark tapped Vic's shoulders. They are already at the school gate: late. The school guard plays with his baton. It's the first time that the two are late.
"Oh, late again?" said the guard.
"But it's our first time, can we escape school punishment?" purred Mark.
"You know you can't."
"Even if we pay you?"
"But what do we need to do?"
Mark put his hands on the guard's shoulders. Surprisingly, the guard has no counter-answer. Vic said to Mark they they have to accept the consequences for being late. But another surprising thing is that the guard let them through without objections. The two walked inside, somewhat confused.
As they walk in the corridor, Vic noticed the unusual buzzes and giggles of girls as he and Mark walk. Vic whispered to Mark,
"What's with them?"
"I don't know. But I've got the feeling that those girls like us."
"Hell, no. No girl can like a dork like me. Well, they might like you, cool boy!"
"But some girls like wise men like you."
"I don't have the looks."
"But you have..."
Vic suddenly stopped, surprised by what Mark said.
"Haha, why that look? I just mean that you're too negative, that's all."
Mark quickly ran to their classroom first. Before Vic can enter the classroom, he was blocked by two tall guys.
"Hey, who's the guy with you?"
"Err... His name is Mark. Why?"
"You classmates?"
"Uh... Yeah? Why ask?"
"What are you two?"
"... People?"
"That's not what I meant, you moron!"
One guy lifted him up by his collar. Mark suddenly came out. The two guys suddenly ran away.
"Are you hurt?"
"No. Thanks for the concern."
"What's with them?"
"I don't know. Do you, somehow, know them?"
"Not even the slightest."
"Eh? They were asking me about you?"
"Oh... That's surprising. Come on, teach is there!"
Then they entered the room.
Breaktime. Vic and Mark went to the locker room to change books. As Mark opened his locker, many letters dropped from it. The envelopes were colored red or pink, and most of them have heart designs.
"And since when did you receive love letters?"
"I don't know. I usually receive one a day. But this is record-breaking?"
"Read them?"
"Nope. They go where they belong."
"Trash bin?"
"But it's your chance to get a girl."
"But I want it challenging."
Vic got a letter and read it. He was startled.
"Hey, this one's from a guy!"
Mark quickly got the letter and read it.
"So you attract guys as well? That one's straight as I know it?"
"No way!"
"Yeah, believe me."
They got all the letters and disposed them.
As they were walking in the cafeteria, Vic noticed a lot of people staring at them. He knows who are they looking at and what they feel, which is unusual to him. He can saw gapes toward Mark and sharp looks toward him. But he ignored them for the meantime.
They got their snacks and they sat.
"Can you hear something?"
"People are rushing in, screaming."
"Haha, are you crazy?"
The door suddenly swung open. There are a lot of girls carrying chocolates, roses, and stuffed bears. They surrounded Mark and offered him their gifts. Mark just smiled and accept the gifts. After getting all the gifts, the girls just stayed around him. Mark and Vic looked at each other, confused.
Next: Differentiability
Friday, November 28, 2008
Can Handwritings Reveal Moods?
Random Things as of 28/11/08
Yet you have a perfect lover.
You better keep her,
Or I'll claim her mine."
"You, who's the perfect lover:
I like the way you love.
Given the chance, I want you to love me.
I'll try to comfort you if he is to break you."
Ahh, fizz. Naisip ko na ito dati. Napakaganda ng version na iyon. Hindi ko lang maalala ngayon kaya, heto, pumangit. T.T
2. Na-realize ko na sinira ko na pala ang sarili ko sa isang tao na interesado ako. Napaka-bad move. Hindi ko naman kasi akalain na darating sa punto na magiging "obsessed" ako sa kanya. Buti pa yung kapatid ko. Kahit kanino, may mabibigyan siya ng matinong topic na pwede nilang pag-usapan. Ako, malabo akong kausap. Kaya pasensya na. Baka hindi pa malaman ng tao na iyon na nag-eexist ako. *sigh*
3. Ang bitter ko na naman. LOL. Nakakainis. Hehehe... Buti na lang hindi pa ako masyado distracted sa acads. Nakakainis lang. Dati, napaka-ideal ng pananaw ko sa relationships. Sabi ko noon, darating ang panahon na darating siya sa buhay ko, kung sino man siya. Kaso, ngayon, I'm in a rush. Pero hindi dapat. Kung "iyon" lang ang hanap ko, pupunta ako doon sa "lugar na iyon". Kapag nawala itong "hunger" ko, ibig sabihin, hindi talaga relationship ang habol ko. Pero kapag na-realize ko na after that ay hindi pa rin niya na-satisfy ang "hunger" ko, ibig sabihin, relationship nga ang habol ko. Nakakainis ako, ano, hindi ako concise. :P
4. Parang band-aid lang ang counselling sa akin. Temporary lang. Hindi ko kasi ma-apply. Either that or there is a very strong force that opposes what I know. Kulang lang ako ng guidance from God. =(
Thursday, November 27, 2008
I Used To Like That Boy From Physics
I walked towards the room where the Physics lecture was being held. I saw my professor, the goddess of condensed matter, who's great at the subject but will make you snooze. But I'm more concentrated with my seatmate.
One semester before then when I last saw him. He was my classmate on the Physics class prior to this. He's cute, I said. But there's no way I can meet him. Not until that fateful semester...
He's my seatmate. I'm looking at him instead of listening to the goddess. I can smell his scent: it was so intoxicating. Every time he smiled, I smile as well. I can see the world through his small eyes, but I can't see myself in there.
We were seatmates until the end of the semester, but we never talked. I never had the courage to befriend him. I was talking to Andie [who was my classmate] and Omega [who was just sitting-in with us], not to him. I thought I did not regret not talking to him. And, at the same time, I thought I regretted not talking to him.
One year had passed, I still never saw him. Until today.
We were in the same public vehicle. He was in front of me. I half-smiled, wishing I was beside him instead. Soon, he felt asleep. On his right side is a gay who took delight of gaping at him and touching him. I saw the gay smiled while looking at the sleeping man. He leaned at the gay, unconsciously while sleeping of course. At that time, my heart is crying.
Yes, jealousy. I feel bad about the scenario that I'm looking at for the next 45 minutes. I wanted to wake him up, but who am I? I am nothing to him. If I told him his name, and when he realized that I did not obtained his name directly from him, he might get angry at me. And besides, I might be disturbing his sleep.
So I bear with that scene for 45 minutes, with my heart and eyes crying secretly.
I regretted everything. I wished that I got a chance to talk to him last year. I wished that I befriended him last year.
But now he hurt me when he was sleeping,
I still like him.
But he won't know. I can't let him know. I have to control myself.
I should have at least befriended him when he was my seatmate for half a year.
I like you, Jade. I like you...
But I know we can't be together. It can't be. It's basic law of attraction: like signs repel.
Daniel Jupiter
As a replacement for Daniel Jupiter: Episode 3.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Heroes 3x13
Start: | Dec 16, '08 |
Season 3: Villains
Episode 13: Duel
Last Episode of Volume Three
Heroes will return with a new volume after a month-or-so-long hiatus.
Heroes will return on February 2 with its 4th volume entitled FUGITIVES
The Theatre of Dreams - Aki-chan's version of the mathematical family tree
The Version Omega of the Family Tree. This actually came even before Daniel Jupiter existed. LOL!
If you (excluding those who are involved in the story) can correctly identify who is who then we can give you a prize! LOL...
Cauchy, anyone?
Acknowledgment: Aki and Regina.
Wow... acknowledgment's long. LOL!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
I'm Regretting It Again
Ang hirap kasi sa akin, pinaiiral ko ang emotions ko over my sanity. Ayun, kaya nagiging insane ako. T.T
Kung may na-offend man po ako sa mga recent posts ko, I'm sorry. I'm asking for your apology.
Please bear with me. Emotionally unstable po ako. I'll try to change for the good. Sana.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Feeling Ko, "Bayaran" Ako
Feeling ko, kailangan ko pang mangulit ng tao para makuha ang gusto ko: kausap. Kating-kati ako pag wala akong kausap. Pag di ako nakakausap, minsan, "nagseselos" ako.
Feeling ko, "ginagamit" lang ako ng mga tao kapag wala na silang kausap. Lalo na pag tapos na silang mag-usap ng taong gusto nilang kausapin, bigla na lang silang "tatabi" sa akin at kakausapin ako. Pag bumalik naman yung gusto nilang kausap, para naman uli akong naglaho sa kanila.
Kailan ko kaya makikita/makikilala ang [mga] tao na sasalba sa pagiging "p0kp0k" ko?
Additional rants, I will put later as comments below.
Eto muna ang masasabi ko:
So heto ako akala ko na nagbago na ako. Akala ko na nabawasan na ng bonggang-bongga ang emotional dependency ko, pero hindi. Para akong nagka-crash diet at may chocolate and peanut butter sa harapan ko pero nilantakan ko parin. I so hate myself today.
Sabi ko pa naman, ayoko nang mauna. Eff!!! Di nga ako ang nauna, naghintay naman ako! Ang sh!t, di ba?!
So bukas, after ng general cleaning, mag-aaral na ako ng 171. Putulin ang plug ng internet at tanggalan ng sim card sila Gaara at Bess kung kinakailangan. Kailangan kong mag-aral. Dahil nararamdaman ko na ang pagbagsak ko pag "inuna ko pa rin ang puso ko sa utak ko". Bullsh!t...
P.S.: Wala na si Daniel Jupiter. Nilibing ko na sya kaninang 5pm. Nakakainis kasi sya. Ang boring nya. Wala syang kwenta. Ang bobo nya. Ang emo nya. Leche sya...
Magmo-moment Ulit Ako
Dati, na-prove ko na hindi love ang nararamdaman ko sa 10 (yes, 10, excluding the first one) tao na "dumaan" sa buhay ko. Ngayon, malapit ko na ma-prove na lagpas 3/4 ng mga tinuturing kong kaibigan ay hindi kaibigan ang turing sa akin.
Nakakatuwa lang, kasi napaka-pathetic ko. Hinahanap ko ang "love of my life" pero sa friend fundamentals ay wala akong alam. Hindi ko talaga alam kung paano ikwa-qualify ang isang tao bilang friend ko. Although I can count 2 persons as my real friends (kilala mo kung sino ka, yung isa kasi walang Multiply dahil di naman ata sya mahilig sa mga ganito), yung iba hindi ko na talaga alam. Naguguluhan na ako.
Tulad ng sinabi ko, hindi ko alam kung paano talaga mag-classify kung kaibigan ko ba talaga yung tao o hindi. Ang pananaw ko kasi, napaka-ideal. Para akong tanga. Oo na, ako na po ang may kasalanan. HINDI NAMAN PO KASI AKO MARUNONG MAKIPAG-SOCIALIZE. Pasensya na.
Kaya next time bago ako mag-rant about romance, aasikasuhin ko muna ang sarili ko at paghusayin pa yung mga friendships na nabuo ko na. Sayang kasi. Ang dami ko nang nakaaaway. Ayaw ko nang madagdagan pa yon.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Survivor: Gabon: An Insight
To be completely honest, I just became a fan of this reality show when the 17th season aired on my favorite TV channel. So what I did so that I can have ideas about Survivor is to research on the Internet about the past seasons.
Outwit. Outplay. Outlast. This is the "tag line" of the show.
One. The producers didn't orchestrated the second switching of tribes to save Ken's and Crystal's @$$es. Notice that in Episode 8, the ratio of the contenders on the new switched tribe was 3:2 in favor of the growing "Onion Alliance" so that they can smash the losing tribe (where Ken and Crystal belong). But what happened? Did they succeeded voting out Ken and Crystal? NO! Why? First, because the partitioning was based on picking up a number: clearly, no producers' intervention. As I said, the ratio was 3:2 so that the 2 aforementioned are about to be toasted. Second. Susie wasn't told by the producers who to vote out. It was Marcus's fault for not being careful on winding up a story. Mathematician's rule: trash all inconsistencies. Marcus had been proven inconsistent with his speech and his cover was blown due to the bond between Ken, Crystal, and Susie.
Three. When did Ken became incompetent? When did Ken became a whiner and an idiot? Note that on Episode 3, Ken beat Physics teacher Bob on a Math puzzle despite Ken solving it on a later time. On Episode 7, Ken (together with Matty) helped their team catch up with the challenge. Also, on that episode, he orchestrated the blindside against Ace. Say, who's the incompetent idiot?
I'm going to repeat again. OUTWIT. OUTPLAY. OUTLAST. Nothing will happen if only got physical strength. This is a game of survival, not a test of strength or speed. If you want those shows, then tune in to the next Olympic games. We know that we will do anything to survive, right?
Well, just a few of my rants. To be specific, this is a counter-rant and a counter-whine to those stupid loser viewers who want Marcus to win and show more of his pen!$. Or not just to Marcus but to those who side with him, notably Charlie.
MS Office Programs Gone Wrong
Nag-usap kasi kami ng younger brother ko then he came up with this:
Edison: Kuya...
Denji: Ano?! (paarte mode, as usual)
E: Narinig mo na ba ung Microsoft Worst?!
D: Worst?! [inner Denji: Aah... Word...] Oo, eh. Hahaha!
E: E ung Microsoft Powder Point?
D: E ung Microsoft Egg Cell?
E: Baka Microsoft Eggshell.
D: Hahaha! E ung Microsoft Polisher?
E: (rolling on the floor, laughing his internal organs off).
Kayo, ano pa maiisip nyo? Hehehe...
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Japanese Food At Last!
Yes, I ate california maki, gyudon, strawberry mousse, and red tea. There are two objectives/reasons why I ate there: (1) because I miss Japanese food, and (2) for my chopsticks skills not to dull since it's been months since I last ate with chopsticks.
Well, I just got better. Cute. Next time, I'll put it into a different level: I'll eat rice with chopsticks next time. ^^
No pictures, though, since I was too hungry to make those "preparations".
Care to join me the next time I eat Japanese food? :)
Monday, November 17, 2008
At Airport
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Daniel Jupiter (Episode 2)
That evening he was faced with a good and a bad thing. The good thing is: X did not really push him away, Daniel just needed to be considerate with someone else's privacy. The bad thing is: he wants to reveal the truth to Rondo but Kristy successfully stopped her.
Daniel's reason for revealing himself is that he does not want to succumb to his past any longer. He wanted to be transparent on what he feels. He wanted to make Rondo notice that he likes him. But Kristy has her own reasons. It's because Daniel has been in this issue a lot of times. Kristy warned him of his past with Marcus Aurelius and Viscount Janus. So Daniel resolved on constraining himself first.
Weekend. As usual, Daniel is in front of his beloved computer he named Niki. It was a typical boring day for him: updating social sites, reading spoilers of his favorite show, visiting some forums, downloading movies, and chatting. It was chatting that was his most favorite... until now. He ignores the fact that he had weird emotional outputs when it comes to chatting, but given a conversation that he saying what to him is true but he was dismissed, he banged Niki. He hates himself for talking too much. He now hates speaking the truth.
In short, Daniel is looking forward for Monday to come.
Or maybe not. His mouth keeps on ca-hooting that he yet, said, another thread of wrong words.
Yes, mood swing it is.
Then comes Monday and the series of academic days for that week. There was a talk by their home college about mentoring and intellectual property rights but Daniel and his friends shoot away before the open forum part of the program has been started.
Daniel, Kristy, and Omega ate at an ice cream store: Daniel's treat for being a Dean's Lister. There they talked about Kristy's problem about her "sex-maniac stalker" Mach I, about Viscount Janus, and about the largest three divisions of their batch. As they discussed that, Daniel came to realize that the factions were the "goody two-shoes" group, the "party-till-midnight" people, and the "whining back-biters". The three of them belonged to the first group and Omega, by her powers of intuitive precognition, said to them that the other two groups were annoyed with the first one. He also realized that he was the easiest one among them and Omega was the hardest one to find "imperfections".
With only three to four hours of sleep, Daniel woke up Tuesday morning. As he sees their table, he saw that only a few slices of bread were left. He decided to eat a little then eat at school.
Another school day, another round. Having problems with computer, reciting most of the time, falling asleep while gaping at his sensei, and a hardcore homework that was never done.
He had issues with this assignments because he thinks he can't solve it. Even solving on an empty room's blackboard won't help, but he envisioned himself doing his thesis.
The next day, 11AM. He's should have been waiting for a ride to his school but since his parents were out for the meantime, and since he was a horny rabbit at that time, he did his deeds and left by around quarter to noon.
He decided to have lunch at a Mexican-inspired fast food and ate. Much to his surprise, he thought he was running late so he hailed a cab. Much to his surprise, yet again, he's still not late. In fact, he still had plenty of time before his Foreign Language class. In short, he wasted precious amount of money.
Later that afternoon, Kristy yet again shared her problems about Viscount Janus and a certain pervert named Mach I. Daniel advised her some things but after that, he is thinking how to raise his guard since he is also involved with her problems regarding those two, especially the viscount.
The next day, he drank beer when he got home from school. He thought that drinking that time is okay since his class tomorrow is in the afternoon and he thinks he is depressed. After a few hours, he can't sleep due to excessive headache and eyesore.
The pain persisted the next day, even on his class. He was plain lucky that the recitation given to him was too easy.
He thought a lot that noon. Kristy, again, confided to him about her problems with Mach I. Then, he thought about the viscount. He thinks it's time for him, Kristy, and Janus to talk about certain things. But he's putting himself to dilemma if everything went alright...
Will Daniel and Kristy get a chance to talk and make-up with Janus? Tune in to Daniel Jupiter!
The real deal on Pablo Banila -
I'd like to share this to you guys in case you are one of those they call "unlucky ones" that's been viewed by him.
On the lighter note, pagkabasa ko nito, nagkagusto na ako sa kanya. Hehehe. Joke! But seriously, naintindihan ko na siya. And I think Inquirer is credible so I have to believe in their articles, ne?
Blue (An Erotic Fanfiction)
1.) WARNING, GUYS. Some of you might find this offensive. If you are under 18, conservative, or homophobic, please refrain from reading this post. Take this as a warning. Having said that, I will no longer be responsible for your, uh, irresponsibility. AGAIN, ONE LAST WARNING!
2.) This is my first time writing a story so constructive criticisms are most welcome.
It was a dark afternoon. Robert is in his loft, still in his uniform. He is studying in his desk, cluttered with books and notepads. Michael stays in Robert’s loft so that they can study together. But he is lying in Robert’s bed, reading a book. Suddenly, he grabbed a chair, placed it next to Robert, and then sat.
“So what do we study about again?”
“Physics and Calculus. We don’t have to fail this, this is our last year in High School.”
“Haha! Excited about college?”
“What do you expect? Besides, we are at the top of the class. So…”
“… So there’s no need to review, brainiac!”
“But still…”
Michael unbuttoned his blue polo.
“Say, Robi, can I place this on the chair first? It’s kinda hot.”
“Feel free to do so. Just don’t forget it when you leave.”
Michael hung his polo at Robert’s seat. Robert looked at him, somewhat startled.
“… What’s wrong?”
“Uh… No! It’s nothing, Mikee. It’s just… we have to get started.”
“With what?”
“With this, of course. Isn’t it why you were here? To help me, Mr. Second Honours?”
“And thus spoke Mr. Third Honours.”
“You don’t have to rub it into my face.”
“Haha! No hard feelings, ok?”
“So help me review.”
Michael pulled his chair towards Robert’s and he looked closely to what the latter is reading. It was so close that his head was over the other’s shoulder. Robert gulped. Michael pretended he did not hear it, but he was smiling slyly.
“Met any girls yet?”
“I’m not you, Mikee. I’m not interested with girls. I’m interested with books.”
“Ok, so let us compare. My number of girls and your number of books…”
“… You’ll beat me there.”
Michael just laughed. Robert looked at him, somewhat annoyed. But when he realized that his face was too closed, he looked back to his book. His heart was beating fast.
“So you really never met a girl?”
“Liked someone?”
“Of course! I’m still human, after all.”
“Haha, freak! So, what’s the name of the girl?”
“You don’t know her name?”
“Just a name…”
“Uh… It’s the name of… the girl, yeah. I think.”
“You’re not even sure?”
Michael smiled wider. He pulled his chair further towards Robert’s. There was no distance between them. Robert was petrified. Michael hung his arm on Robert’s shoulder.
“So, Mikee’s the girl. Sounds like my nick. Ever made a move?”
“… I’m not good with that.”
“Ok. So let’s make a hypothetical scenario. What will you do if she does this…”
Michael turned Robert around so as to face him. The former held the latter’s hair. Robert was obviously startled but Michael “dismissed” the reaction.
“So, what will you say?”
“Uh… I… I du… I don’t know… I’ve never been… That close.”
“Even this close?”
Michael neared his face towards Robert’s, still holding his head with one hand. Then he held Robert’s hand with the other.
“Mikee? What are you doing?”
“Well, I’m preparing you for what’s to come. But I have doubts… Mikee’s a girl.”
Michael locked his lips with Robert’s. Robert did not stop him, but he is not anticipating yet. He closed his eyes while feeling the warmth of their lips. Michael’s hand were rubbing Robert’s thigh. Robert squirmed a little but Michael just held him by the hair. Soon, their lips were fighting. Michael’s hand was ascending to Robert’s chest. Robert suddenly hugged him as if he was commanding the other to get even closer.
Even with Robert’s polo on, Michael’s hand searched for Robert’s nipple. Now, both of his hands were roaming every area of the other’s chest. With no sign yet of an erect nipple, Michael tried to unbutton Robert’s blue polo, while his lips descend to Robert’s neck. Robert moaned. Michael then threw Robert’s polo and his hand went inside the other’s shirt. Michael’s hands roamed Robert’s chest. He played with Robert’s nipples. Robert’s moans grew stronger. Michael was removing Robert’s shirt. Robert obliged and assisted him. Michael’s hands now roam to Robert’s crotch.
Robert held Michael’s head and kissed him. He was shocked when Michael tried to put his tongue into his mouth. He doesn’t know what to do. Their tongues parried. Michael’s hand found Robert’s hard-on and rubbed it even if they’re still wearing pants.
Robert can’t think straight right now. He removed Michael’s shirt. When his hands are to touch Michael’s chest, Michael suddenly pulled him to the bed. Robert was under Michael. They kissed again, more passionately. Michael was removing Robert’s white pants while Robert is playing with Michael’s nipples. Michael kissed Robert’s neck. The air is filled with moans. Michael’s lips descend as he successfully removes Robert’s pants. He sucked Robert’s left nipple while he teased the right.
Michael trailed kisses downwards. When he reached Robert’s briefs, he licked it hungrily from where his balls were to where the tip was. Robert’s moans grew even louder. He held Michael’s head, while Michael was pulling down Robert’s briefs.
Michael licked Robert’s manhood. He squirmed. Michael cupped his balls while taking his manhood into his mouth. He sucked Robert’s hard-on as if he was a professional. Robert thrust his hips upward, begging for more. Michael continued to such every length of it while Robert’s grip on his hair intensified. Robert thrust his hip further and his moans were faster. Michael knew what was it so he gave Robert a hand job while licking his balls. Robert gave out a loud moan while cumming. Michael licked every juice, effectively swallowing them.
Robert grew tired. He was catching his breath when Michael crawled up and kissed him. Robert hugged him while Michael removed his briefs. He drew both Robert’s legs close using his knees and at the very narrow opening of Robert’s legs, he forced his manhood in. Robert twitched in an unexplainable feeling. Michael inserted his manhood; in and out, faster and faster. Robert kissed Michael more passionately. Michael squired out over Robert’s legs. They were breathing heavily.
“I like you, Mikee.”
“I know, Robi, right from the start.”
Then they kissed again.
Early morning, Michael’s mobile phone rang. He woke up and he saw Robert sleeping like an angel. He answered the call.
“Yes? Oh, Gerald… Yes… Ok, ok… See you later… It’s a date then… Yes… I love you, too…”
Then he turned his phone off, got up, took a bath, dressed then walked away. While Robert is still in his sleep, smiling, oblivious to what’s happening.