Sunday, October 29, 2006

Dream, Believe, Survive

I admit I’m a great fan of Starstruck (I actually express it). I always patronized show business, especially these reality-based shows. From start until end, I never miss a certain task or episode. In showbiz, you can’t avoid having favorites and hates. And when you favor some of these artists, you are dying to know every single detail about this star. It’s just plain addicting.


I always remember the famous tagline of Starstruck: Dream, Believe, Survive (Believe in the power of your Dreams and Survive). It became my philosophy and I hold up to it. For every possible ambition (Dream) I know that it can somehow be achieved (Believe) and I’ll do all my best to get this (Survive). See?


Speaking of dreams, when I dream I consider those as “visions”. I always observe that the events happening on my dreams will “come” to reality after a long period of time as an insignificant event. But lately my dreams are becoming weird. This morning I just dreamt that I lose eight green teeth! I’m not that untidy but what do green teeth mean and why the eight of them AT THE SAME TIME? I don’t know how to interpret those; I just hope they were not bad!


(I am happy for Iwa Moto’s continuing success and Julia Clarete’s “comeback”. But I’m somewhat sad because of a reason even I don’t know: I just seem low in energy.)

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Semester Report (1st Semester AY 2006-2007)

It became my norm to write such reports, I don’t know why… I think it’s really for self-analysis and self-actualization. To make the story short, this is my report.


Academic Analysis:


Math 60 (Pre-calculus): I’m not serious at the moment with this subject. That’s why my grades are just at the average. I want to be on top, really. But I’m just plain idle so I can’t make my grade higher in the matter,

Previous: **

Rating: **


Philo 1 (Philo Analysis): I thought this subject will be that difficult but I just breezed the subject. The professor’s nice at giving grades…

Previous: ****

Rating: *****


Nat Sci 2 (Geo and Bio): I confess, I snored the Biology part. I’m almost at the verge of failing it. I know I won’t. I hope.

Previous: *****

Rating: **


Kas 1 (Phil. History): Oh my goodness, I don’t know if I will flop this! Gotta review. Hope I won’t fail!

Previous: **

Rating: -


PE 2 (Judo): Aw… I miss this subject. Even though I haven’t done my best on the finals…

Previous: *****

Rating: ****


Comm 3 (Speech Comm): I’ll also miss this subject…

Previous: *****

Rating: *****


Social Analysis:


Friendship Stat: New friends! Yahoo! Found them at the audition line!

Previous: ***

Rating: ****


Professional Stat: Maybe Starstruck is not meant for me…

Previous: ***

Rating: -


Love Stat: Is there really?

Previous: -

Rating: *


Semester Report for 1st Semester, complete!

