Friday, December 21, 2007

And So, The Countdown Began

It's Christmas... I don't expect gifts anymore. :( Why? Because I received my early Christmas gift: a pair of hamsters! Yay! I named them Aerol (silent L) and Ice (said ai-ze). The reasons for such names? It's a secret.

I was like a dentrimental freak when I looked at those cuties. They made me forget my problems. (and my homework, too. Ö) At first, I put them in a glass tank and filled it with newspaper shreds. They like to bury themselves in the shreds, especially Ice since Aerol does nothing but nibble. o_O A few days after, I bought (actually, MY DAD BOUGHT) a new metal cage for them, complete with the wheel (I call it the Hamster Wheel. Ü) and a "house". I was like a dork waiting for them to ride the wheel but after hours, my waiting paid off, Aerol rode the wheel and he never got off. Yay! It was just so~ cute. <3 and after some time Ice rode. And now they are still fighting over the wheel. And the "house"? It was on a sort-of "second floor" of the cage. Aerol went to the roof of the house (went to the next level via the "stairs". Hamsters don't fly. o_O) and he was like looking down from the roof. And he fell to the base of the cage. Ouch!

One of my problems is the organization I'm applying for. I went through a lot of conflicts with my parents but my misbehavior blew their fuse. So I resolved to not joining any organizations for internal peace. What sacrifice. T_T

And, oh, last Friday, I got to talk with my Physics crush. Kyaa~!!! I wished to talk with my crush for at least five minutes of my life but that day, we ended up talking for an accumulative of 30 minutes! Yay! It's about Physics, though. But at least we "talked". And I get to stick my arm with my crush's. HEAVEN!

Monday, December 17, 2007

The 6 Threats of the Semester

Yup... Read it right... THREATS... I'm talking about my subjects for the semester, though.


C'mon, I CHOSE it. So I should <3 it... But the prob is... Our instructor is Korean. What's wrong? Nothing. Except that... You know... I call it "nosebleed sessions". Figure out for yourself why.

Physics (Electromagnetism): DROWSY THREAT

Or is it threat of drowsiness? Whatever... I just can't understand what our professor is saying. The worse part? She's from the evolutionary line of Drowzy and Hypno. o_O

Mathematics (Vector Calculus and Series): CARELESS THREAT

Darn... I could have aced the exam, I COULD HAVE!!! Darn mental blocks... Darn another exam... Darn integrals? Hmmm... I should love integrals...

Mathematics (Geometry): NOT A THREAT

Goodness! Why are you on the list on my threats!? You are the last one to threaten me! LOL. Geometry is so easy, like... auto-LOL-zzz... Ü

Mathematics (Abstract Algebra I): MAJOR THREAT

Oh no! Professor, where art thou! We are in the verge of failing! Imagine having 2 out of 10 sessions... Ö

Computer Science: MECHA THREAT

A stupid pun for MEGA THREAT but, oh well, we are dealing with computers here. And I hate logics and logistics. And, once again, syntaxes... *faints*

LOL, But I love all my subjects. ^^

Saturday, December 8, 2007

3 in 1: Of Chopsticks and Nosebleeding and Regional Schools Press Conference

*Paragraph number 1 and 2 are inter-related, while 3 is not.*


1.) December 08, 2008: The first time I ate w/ chopsticks! Yay! Some of my friends (slash-co-apps-for-an-org.Ü) went to a Japanese restaurant. And I almost fainted. Really. And then when it's lunch time, I became dizzy with what I saw: chopsticks. Like I whispered to them: I never ate with these. Then Sofia taught me how to... Then... Yay! I ate with chopsticks! LOL Not just by that time but during a Christmas Party as well on the same date. Make that 3 meals... Ö


2.) On the same date, we went to a... uh... how do I call these... Jap Christmas Party? Yeah... nothing more to say except my nose bled and I... uh... nevermind. Hahaha!!! ~<3


3.) RSPC last week! Yay! What happened to Jovitte... Hmmm... Okay, I'll "reminisce" again... During my RSPC time, I just laxed 'coz I know I'm not really that lucky and *insert words of high-level here* to go to the Nationals. Our topic during that time was about beauty pageants. And I was like.


"OK, time to go home!" And, as usual, I wrote random words and when we went back to the billeting school and my mom called and consoled me... Besides, it's just okay bacause it's my first time... And last time... But I got 3rd place, we will proceed to the Nationals in Boracay, my teacher is jumping for joy, and i was like...
