Sunday, November 30, 2008

Putting Some Sense On This Post

Yeah, here I am again in front of a few people. This past few weeks, even though I told myself to stop ranting on my blog, I still can't help it. I broke a lot of promises I made. I even became too emotional. Then all of a sudden, I'll be having mood swings. I guess that's a reason why my very few "viewers" even dwindled in number. Like Plurk said, "Don't plurk too much. Don't  put every single detail of your life in your viewable time-line or your viewers will stop following your life." Well, not the exact sentences, though, but the essence is there. So here goes.

1. Being a member of a prominent clan doesn't equate to you being rich. It hit me VERY HARD. Of our core family, I am the spendthrift. I spend all of my allowance on high-end snacks when I can eat on the local canteen. I thought we were rich enough. My parents keep telling me to save. Well, I keep lying to them that I do save. But no. I can't resist myself when I have the money. So I can't save. But, well, I'm trying to save now. I wanted my money for the next enrollment to come "from me". My parents expect a lot from me. My parents keep telling me to work and pay for my brother's tuition. Even I agree on that, not because I am forced, but because I wanted to.

And related to that issue, I realized that I have acquaintances who are, in my opinion, way richer than me. Well, it not that I don't want to make friends with them because I think they belittle me. I just think that they really have the capability to spend because of their status, when I am just, you know, "trying hard".

2. I tried to stop this awkward feeling from developing. I never knew I'll be this successful this time. Well, maybe because I did consider many realizations in my life. This time, I just have to apply them. If you want to know who that person is, I'll not be giving clues. Although I told X that this person is cute. X, you know who you are, and I trust you that you won't be telling this (well, but if Y insisted that you tell that to him, wala akong magagawa. T.T basta i-inyo na lang iyon, please? i have no intentions of telling that person. baka mapahiya lang ako sa kanya. >o<).

3. You may have noticed that, recently, I'm writing things I'd gladly call "crap", since I do it craply. At first, I am writing because I want the gods and goddesses of literature (yes, Y, ikaw yun. ikaw rin yun, Omega/Aki, basta marami kayo.) to lambaste my "works of art" (very masochistic. >o<). But now, even though I have no "followers/viewers", I'm now writing for my own personal satisfaction. I told some of you that I keep writing and writing but I never, ever, finished a single story, except for one (I was a Highschool Freshman back then). So, again, I am now writing for my self-accompolishment. If one appreciated my works, then good, I'd like to give you my thanks.

Thanks for spending/wasting a few minutes reading this. I hope, this time, this isn't as annoying as before. I hope I gave you my two-cents well.


  1. Lolz. Aki-chan has nothing to say but HORY CRAP! I still haven't gotten over it...hehehehe.

  2. oo nga, noh. pwede ko rin ilagay na "I call my writings the "holy craps"". tawa naman ako.


  3. Really? A goddess of literature. I am flattered. I never considered myself as such. You're really not that bad a writer just need a little grammar checking and better word choice. 8D

    And really you want me to lambaste your works. Why didn't you say so!Just kidding...hehehe. Just keep writing. It's the best way to improve your skills. ^_^

  4. oooh.. grammar... check. vocabulary... check. yeah, and i'll keep writing and writing as long as i want myself to. thanks for the encouragement.

    ok. so retake English 30 and read a lot of English books. 8D

    and i do want to be "lambasted", pero kung totoo naman. ayoko kasi nung ino-over okray ako o kaya nalalaman ko pa sa iba na may mali ako. 8D

    talamat uli. ^^

  5. Oh, I'd like to add this as a post-script.

    4. I don't know if this person is reading this, but, (well, everyone can read) remember when I attempted an indefinite hiatus but I failed to do so? Well, I'm planning a week-long social-networking hiatus. This time, it's real. I'll just be online for my Programming homeworks or for new episodes of Heroes. And, oh, uh, nevermind. :P

  6. You don't need to go on hiatus. You just have to regulate the duration of your surfing.

  7. ok. i'll keep that in mind. thank you. thank you also for sharing that "snippet" you posted in my guestbook log (or whatever it is called).

